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List of products by brand Gibbon

Robert Kaeding is the CEO and Founder of Gibbon who says “In everything we do, we believe in driving excellence in focus and core strength, to balance mind and body, delivering improvement on everyday life.” 

It was Gibbons main goal to make the sport of slacklining accessible to the general public and not let it be an elite sport. Initially only climbers, quiet good ones, used to slackline on rest days or as a bad weather side activity. The development of the sport wasn't possible because climbers would straight away reach great heights, inaccessible to "normal" people. Which lead Gibbon to develop a product that can easily be setup and used by everyone with instructions on how to train properly. This is how the brand made its name, now a days you see Gibbon Slacklines all over the world, in inddor gyms, parks, mountain peaks you name it.